
ERP With A Modern Twist | Defined Ventures, Inc.

ERP With A Modern Twist

The business world is changing, and with it changes nearly every aspect of business management — including enterprise resource planning (ERP) options. Business owners are now faced with the singular task of navigating an incredibly complex and competitive market with more communication and data channels than ever before. Although the main goal of ERP hasn’t […]

CRM: Thinking Outside The OTS Software Box | Defined Ventures, Inc.

CRM: Thinking Outside The OTS Software Box

In the business world, there’s a common misconception that off-the-shelf (OTS) customer relationship management (CRM) software is basic, cookie cutter, and only suitable for the most trivial of needs. This stems from a pervasive idea that managing customer relationships is simple and straightforward for businesses, too. Neither of these opinions really represents reality. Getting to […]

Business Process Automation: Top 4 Benefits | Defined Ventures, Inc.

Top 4 Benefits Of Automating Your Business Process

Are you using business automation software yet? If the answer is no, we have some compelling examples to show you that we believe will effectively change your mind. This one secret ingredient can effectively improve your business, win you more conversions, improve client relations, lessen the workload on employees, reduce required manpower and even lessen […]

7 Signs Your Website Needs A Facelift | Defined Ventures, Inc.

7 Signs Your Website Needs A Facelift

In the world of web design, there’s one fact that all designers know to be true: clients often have very different ideas of what qualifies as “good” than the designers who create their websites. Some clients love their pre-existing design so much that they’ll staunchly refuse to change it, even in the face of burgeoning […]