
Do Small Creative Agencies Need Project Management Software? | Defined Ventures, Inc.

Do Small Creative Agencies Need Project Management Software?

The burgeoning freelance and gig economy is changing how we work, where we work, and even how we do business when we’re staying within the confines of tradition. Rather than large, sprawling creative departments, many businesses are shifting to smaller and more intimate creative teams. Results show that this is a generally positive thing; more […]

Key Principles for a Solid Data Security Plan | Defined Ventures, Inc.

Key Principles For A Solid Data Security Plan

In today’s digital atmosphere, paying for things online is commonplace. Smart consumers focus on taking steps to keep their personal and financial information private and secure when conducting online transactions. Businesses that offer online payment transactions must also be diligent with their Internet payment technology and ensure their customers feel confident in submitting information. Based […]

National Cyber Security Awareness Month 2017 | Defined Ventures, Inc.

National Cyber Security Awareness Month 2017

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), a month to focus on preventing data breaches and protecting cyber security. The vast majority of Americans use the internet every single day, and protecting secured data is the main goal of NCSAM. During the month of October, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Cyber […]