
Manufacturing Software in an Ever-Changing Landscape | Defined Ventures, Inc.

Software in Manufacturing’s Ever-Changing Landscape

The manufacturing industry is changing. Advanced technologies and global expansion demand that companies do more to maintain competitive advantage than ever before. Customers demand near-constant improvements and innovation, faster product-to-market times, efficiency in production and order fulfillment, and the best possible prices along the way. Manufacturers who don’t make a reasonable effort to fulfill these […]

This Project Management Technique Outperforms Any Productivity Hack | Defined Ventures, Inc.

This Project Management Technique Outperforms Any Productivity-Boosting Hack

You have more going on in your daily life than any generation before you. Work, family, friends, relationships, business, financial management, and even the devices we use can all conspire to distract us from productivity; that’s why many of us turn to productivity hacks and products in the first place. Unfortunately, even so-called productivity hacks […]

Best Tech of CES 2018 | Defined Ventures, Inc.

Best Tech Of CES 2018

It’s a fresh year full of fresh tech ideas – and those fresh ideas are being showcased this week at the yearly CES 2018 convention. This year’s CES was a veritable smorgasbord of devices, concepts, and companies all vying to bring attention to their new and innovative ideas. Attendees had a front-row seat to some of […]

Business Agile, Project Management Trends Shaping 2018 | Defined Ventures, Inc.

Business Agile, Project Management Trends Shaping 2018

Agility: in strict terms, it means “the ability to move quickly and easily.” This definition also works when blended over to Agile project management, a methodology that focuses on streamlining workflows, interactions and processes for better efficiency and greater results. In no other area of business is this more true than within project management, where […]