
Podio: How is it Structured?

The Podio system provides the building blocks needed to create a customized management system. The organization of Podio allows users to manage information, track progress, and collaborate with coworkers. Each Podio system is organized in the same way, no matter how simple or complex. From the all-encompassing Organizations to small individual tasks, we break down Podio’s […]

What is Podio?

What is Podio? Podio is a work management solution that allows businesses to completely customize and integrate their management software. What does that mean exactly? Instead of building a one-size-fits-all management software, Podio allows users to make their own.   HOW DOES IT WORK? Podio is a platform that provides structure and elements so you […]

What is Strategic Planning?

The biggest mistake small businesses make is thinking like a small business. WHAT IS STRATEGIC PLANNING? You may have heard the term floating around, but what exactly does it mean? Strategic planning is making thoughtful, organized decisions that ensure a business’ success at a growing rate. Strategic planning clearly defines a business or organization’s mission, their […]

Turn Workflow into Custom Software

System integrations provide an affordable alternative to purchasing project, product, and employee management software. WHAT IS SYSTEM INTEGRATION? By definition, systems integration is a “process or phase concerned with joining different subsystems or components as one large system.” Sounds pretty self-explanatory, but what does it mean for your business? When creating a customized workflow for […]

Know Your Target Audience

Starting a marketing campaign without defining a business’ target audience can be like sending a boat off without any navigation tools.   Your audience can determine the success of your business, so make sure your business is targeting the right people. How do you determine the ‘right’ people? Follow our tips below! 1. REDEFINE You […]

What is a Workflow?

Workflows are all around us; we use them in our businesses and our personal life. Designing quality workflows is essential to achieving maximum efficiency in your business. So what is a workflow? A workflow is a linear, sequential path that outlines steps to a process. It can be anything from employee annual reviews, manufacturing and […]